Monday, January 18, 2010

Veggie Brew

      Welcome to "Veggie Brew", the recipe section of The Artistry of Health Blog. It features original recipes created by me. All the food in this section is designed to nourish the body and uses the freshest ingredients and the healthiest preparation techniques. Though I am partial to raw foods, I've decided to incorporate a 50/50 cooked/raw food diet into my life and "Veggie Brew" reflects that. From raw to cooked and somewhere in between, each recipe is executed with healing and love in mind. Think of "Like Water for Chocolate" but it's more like " Like Water for Health".

      The first recipe came about as a result of a cold winter day when I was extremely. The hunger was oh so real! Though I love my fairly new rented duplex, I dislike the fact that there are few to no options in the neighborhood to consider food let alone healthy food. Wanting immediate satisfaction, I even toyed with the idea of getting a "salad" (or perhaps some other "veggie" option from the Crown Fried Chicken across the street. And there goes an example of compromising lifestyle choices. But behold, thanks for good and supportive friends! My homegirl Daryl talked me out of opting to hop across the street to the hood's favorite diner, and create a meal from home. What made me even consider Crown's was the winter cold. I wanted something warm and hearty as well to eat. So I pieced together what I had left of some various ingredients and voila, a cozy winter e-mergency meal. See the step-by-step recipe below:

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year’s Evolution

        New Year’s resolution. Many of us know them well. We are so familiar with them that we repeat them, making illustrious patterns of well, disappointments. I plan on losing 10 lbs this year. I will stop drinking soda for the next 6 months. I will get a membership to the gym and attend a regular class there. I will stop smoking. I will be more compassionate. The majority of most of our resolutions have to do with our health and well-being. In essence, we wish to optimize our life experiences by being in better physical, mental, and spiritual shape. The guilt of having gained weight, picking up the habit of smoking, or having a not-so-gracious demeanor invokes us to change. Sometimes we do not recognize the depths of our symptoms until they have reached rock bottom. This is actually an opportunity to dig our deepest and discover at our core the reasons for our imbalances. Making a verbal commitment to ourselves by ourselves is a great first step, but deciding how to make the commitment real involves daily ritual.